Meeting info: At least annually, usually quarterly
Other things Lions should know:
Global Action Team
Chair: Club President
Purpose: With the support of the board of directors, develops and initiates a coordinated plan to expand humanitarian service, achieve membership growth, and develop future leaders. Meets regularly with club members to discuss the progress of the plan and initiatives that may support the plan. Collaborates with members of the district Global Action Team to learn about initiatives and best practices. Shares activities, achievements and challenges with members of the Global Action Team.
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know: Includes the club first vice president (serving as the leadership chairperson). Attends the District Governor Advisory Committee meeting and other zone, region, district or multiple district meetings that feature service, membership or leadership initiatives to exchange ideas and gain knowledge that may be applied to club practices.
Golf Tournament
Chair: Wick, Paul
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know:
Gun Raffle
Chair: Rogers, Don
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know:
Purpose: A select group of Lions who can be available to respond to requests for help the club receives
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know:
Highway Clean-up
Chair: Perri Lindgren
Purpose: Maintain the beauty and safety of our adopted section of the highway. We strive to enhance environmental stewardship and community pride within Choteau.
Meeting info: There are two cleanups each year. One in the Spring and one in the fall. Exact dates are flexible and weather dependent and announced via the club listserv and at meetings.
Other things Lions should know: Supplies needed are garbage bags and hi-viz vests. Once every two years the MTDOT sends out a form for the club’s contact person to fill out and send back.
Chair: Nauck. Bob
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know:
Chair: Treasurer
Purpose: Establish a detailed budget for the approval of the club’s board of directors, ensure proper documentation and authorization of funds, arrange for the annual audit of club accounts, and ensure the delivery of all financial information to the successor committee.
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know:
Lions Garage Sale
Chair: Smith, Sherwin
Purpose: Plan and run the Lions Club garage sale if we have one.
Meeting info: We only meet if the club decides to have a garage sale.
Other things Lions should know: Set date, location, organize publicity with the Acantha, oversee the sale, cleanup the facility.
Chair: Membership Chairperson
Purpose: Ensures membership growth by reaching new markets, actively recruiting members and ensuring member satisfaction. This committee also verifies the qualifications of potential members who are considered by the club’s Board of Directors and noted in item Article III, section 2, of the Club Constitution.
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know: The membership committee should include last year’s membership chairperson, vice membership chairperson and any club members interested in new member recruitment and/or member satisfaction.
Chair: Smith, Sherwin
Purpose: Oversee operation of the pool.
Meeting info: Usually once to twice a month starting early spring. These meetings are usually called for by our pool manager.
Other things Lions should know:
Pool/Courts Cleanup/Mowing
Chair: Smith, Sherwin
Purpose: Organizing the mowing around the pool and tennis courts.
Meeting info: We have not held meeting for handling these jobs. Clayton has always organized the scheduling of the mowing of the lawns.
Other things Lions should know: Plan and organize the mowing of the lawns at the pool and tennis courts.
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know:
Chair: Marketing Chairperson
Purpose: The primary function of the Public Relations Committee is to highlight the Lions Club’s activities and achievements through various media outlets. This includes crafting news articles on the club’s projects, fundraising events, civic contributions, elections, new memberships, and awards. The goal is to maintain visibility and promote the club’s efforts in the community, traditionally through the Acantha publication, and extending to the District Lions Newsletter and relevant social media platforms.
Via the Constitution & By-laws: Chaired by the club marketing chairperson, the marketing committee supports the development of a club marketing plan. With the support of the board of directors, the marketing committee ensures effective communication with the club and the public to build public awareness and improve visibility of the club’s activities in the community.
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know: There’s a keen interest in getting more members involved in the Public Relations Committee’s activities. Participation from a broader group of Lions Club members can enhance the diversity and reach of the club’s communications, making it a valuable opportunity for members to contribute to the club’s public image and community engagement efforts.
Chair: Service Chairperson
Purpose: Assists in developing service goals and action plans, identifying potential projects, guiding project planning and implementation and involving club members in meaningful service. Coordinates and ensures the effective leadership of service projects relating to the global service framework by supporting chairpersons assigned to each club service initiative.
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know: May also be responsible for applying for relevant LCIF grants and developing community partnerships as approved by the club’s board of directors
Tennis Court
Chair: Smith, Sherwin
Purpose: Organize and oversee the cleaning, spring set up, fall take down of tennis nets, and over all operation of the tennis courts and basketball courts.
Meeting info: Since I have been involved with the tennis courts, we have not had a committee meeting. I just planned any workdays needed and let the club know what we need to do and when we are going to do it.
Other things Lions should know: Spring: rake and remove leaves, blow off deck, put tennis nets up. Summer: blow off deck when needed. Fall: take down tennis nets and store in garage, rake leaves, blow off deck. Replace basketball hoop nets when needed.
Chair: Kostelnik, Al
Meeting info:
Other things Lions should know:
Tile & Brick Sales
Chair: Ketcham, Clayton
Purpose: Established around 2004, this committee’s objective was to initiate a fundraising campaign to support the construction of a new swimming pool through the sale of engraved bricks and granite tiles. These personalized items are displayed on the wall of the pool’s bathhouse, serving as a lasting tribute to contributors. The project, inspired by similar initiatives in other Montana communities, has successfully sold 150 bricks and 328 granite tiles, generating a net profit of approximately $200,000, thanks to a collaboration with Garden City Monument Services in Missoula.
Meeting info: The committee doesn’t have separate meetings; instead, its activities and progress are discussed during the regular club meetings. This approach ensures all club members are updated on the committee’s work and can contribute ideas or volunteer for tasks as needed.
Other things Lions should know: The committee’s ongoing efforts include advertising, selling, and coordinating the engraving of new granite tiles, with an average of 6 to 8 tiles processed annually. Additionally, there’s a need for annual maintenance, specifically touch-up painting of the tile lettering, which requires volunteer efforts from committee members. This task not only preserves the aesthetic quality of the display but also ensures the longevity of the tribute to the donors. The committee’s work offers an opportunity for members to actively participate in a project that has a significant impact on community infrastructure and the club’s visibility.
Trip of the Month
Chair: Ketcham, Clayton
Purpose: The Trip of the Month (TOTM) Committee was founded in 1994 during a financial crisis for the Choteau Lions Club, particularly concerning the funding and management of the local swimming pool. Inspired by a successful initiative from a Canadian Lions Club, members Tom and Clayton spearheaded this project in collaboration with Main Connection Travel Agency in Choteau. The committee’s mission was to generate sustainable funding for the pool through the sale of tickets that offered monthly vacation prizes. This innovative approach involved creating promotional brochures, establishing project rules, and organizing a comprehensive ticket sales strategy. The initiative proved to be a lifeline for the club, turning into a significant and consistent revenue source for the swimming pool’s operational costs.
Meeting info: The TOTM Committee convenes approximately once a year to revisit and potentially update the project’s rules, ensuring the initiative remains effective and engaging. This annual meeting allows for the evaluation of the project’s success and the planning of future activities.
Other things Lions should know: The TOTM project has become a cornerstone of the club’s fundraising efforts, with a remarkable track record over the past 30 years. Generating over a million dollars in gross income from ticket sales, the project has significantly contributed to the financial health of the club and the maintenance of the swimming pool. Committee members are involved in various tasks, from coordinating with local media for the production and distribution of promotional materials to engaging with previous supporters for ongoing participation. The continued success of the TOTM initiative underscores the importance of member involvement in promotional activities and follow-up efforts, ensuring sustained community support and engagement.
Vision & Hearing
Chair: Rathman, Stan
Purpose: Deals with requests for glasses or hearing aids charity, especially with Mountain Front Family Vision Center
Meeting info: As needed by email/text
Other things Lions should know: Tom Rogers has been the contact person for Dr. McCollom since Stan has been unable to do as much, so the new chairman should let McCollom know he or she is the new contact person.
Chair: Dogiakos, Steve
Purpose: Support the club’s involvement with our youth program Scouts BSA Troops 51. Support the work of our Chartered Organization Representative, and support Cub Scout Pack 51 as the pipeline to the Troops.
Meeting info: As needed
Other things Lions should know: Works with Coffey Trustees and the Troops’ committees which involve non-Lions and Scout parents.