The meeting was called to order by First Vice President Chuck at 6:30 PM. Chuck welcomed our guest Jack Preston from a Lions Club in Ohio and in Choteau visiting family. The minutes of the August 6th regular meeting and the minutes of the August 13th Board meeting were read and approved as written.
Old Business
The membership discussed the potential concrete lift we are considering for the tennis courts. Bob Scott has done several of these around the area we will ask him to come to a Lions Club meeting so we can ask questions about the process.
The group was reminded about the setup and cleanup for the Montana Old Fiddlers contest to be held on September 28th and 29th.
New Business
Lion Steve D. will be receiving a special award for completing Boy Scout youth training. He will receive this award at a Boy Scout Jamboree being held at Mortimer Gulch near Gibson reservoir west of Augusta on Saturday, September 15th at 5:30 pm. This would be a good thing for the Lions Club to attend since we are the sponsor of Troop 51.
Lion Steve D. also discussed the Lions Cyber Club we are working to create. Steve has applications out to 6 new members for this organization. Cyber Club members are typically younger people that are interested in service projects in the community but not able to attend Lions Club meetings in person. Since our membership is aging the future of the club is in new, younger members.
Ideas for programs at the regular meeting were reviewed. They are; An update of the new park playground equipment, the football coach, Bob Scott regarding the tennis courts and the Boy Scouts. These are ideas that the program committee can think about.
Committee Reports
Dru said that the last day for operation of the swimming pool will be Wednesday, August 22nd. This will be followed by a scheduled work day to get everything put away and cleaned up at the pool. Sherwin has contacted the pool painter and the bottom of the pool will be painted this Fall. We will also plan to repaint the pool house and work on the solar system this Fall. Dru was very impressed with McKenna LaValley as our pool manager and all of the staff, they did a great Job. Dru was thanked for her work at the pool this summer with a round of applause.
Lion Don reported that we have sold $6,700.00 of gun raffle tickets to date. Lion Louie, the chairman of the gun raffle committee will schedule a meeting to discuss ways of increasing ticket sales.
Lion Lee said that he may be out of town during the Thanksgiving dinner and asked if anyone could be the chairman of this event. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
Clayton said that we have sold 185 Trip of the Month tickets to date. This leaves 115 tickets to sell during the next month. Clayton will be asking members to help with follow-up phone calls to potential ticket buyers. A thank you list has been put in the Acantha of the people that have purchased tickets so far this year.
Other Business
Mayor Dan said he is very pleased with the excellent staff at the City of Choteau. Each and every one of them does a great job. Dan also said that work will be done on the water tank up near the golf course, which may cause some slight clouding of city water. He also thanked Steve D. for stepping up as a new councilman.
- The winners of the August Trip of the Month were Annie and Andrew Bardwell.
- 50/50 winner: Lion Perri
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas D. Rogers, Secretary