Where there is a need, there is a Lion
Dear Montana Lions,
What a privilege to be the Governor for District 37. It is very humbling following the many great district governors who have led the way before me. I want every Lion to know I do not take this position lightly, it is a lofty responsibility, and I will work hard to meet expectations.
What a crazy, interesting year we have had so far. The challenges have been huge. Having to cancel our convention in April was a big blow to our district. Using technology to replace our regular meetings is a challenge. Finding ways to fundraise and still serve our communities is difficult. We are Lions; we will overcome these challenges and become stronger Lions and clubs.
International President Dr. Jung-Yul Choi’s presidential message is “United in Kindness and Diversity.” My theme this year is “Serving our communities with kindness”.
The North American Membership Initiative (NAMI) Team and District officers are working on forming one new traditional club, and one cyber/specialty club in the upcoming year. We want to continue to grow our clubs. I am asking that each club add a net of 2 new members this year.
We are currently planning on having a Mid-Winter Rally in January and hope to have details soon. This will be a gathering with the focus on fun, fellowship, and learning. The District 37 Convention will be held in Kalispell on April 23rd – 24th, 2021. We will continue to offer club officer training online and hope to have in-person sessions, by region, in May and June of 2021.
We have a great team of dedicated lions who will be your leaders this year, leaders striving to make this district the best it can be. The NAMI Team, Zone chairs, our GMT, GLT, GST representatives, are there to listen to and support your club. NAMI Team Members, District Officers and guiding lions will visit your club upon your request and are also there to help you. I will always be available for guidance, questions, and concerns.
Every club member is a part of the district team. I have faith in your dedication to serve your community, your participation in our district and your support of Lions International. Together we will be an outstanding district.
I would like to thank PDG Verna for her hard work and dedication in the last year. The tests have been tough and numerous, but you have met them and made Montana a better district.
So, let’s go out and serve our communities with kindness by doing what lions do best…We Serve!
Yours in Lionism,
Mike Collins
District Governor 2020-21
2020-2021 District Goals
DG Mike Collins is in the planning process for his year as District Governor, 2020-2021. DG Mike has established several major goals for his year as District Governor:
- Continue work on NAMI, North American Membership Initiative, to increase club membership
- Start 1 or 2 new clubs
- Create teams that will work with clubs to help them retain club members, encourage clubs to conduct a Community Needs Assessment, encourage clubs to have at least one major service project
- Organize a major club officer training opportunity either through a Montana Forum or through regional training events.
DG Mike welcomes comments and suggestions from all Montana Lions.
DG Mike Collins
40 Meadowlark Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901
H 406-752-3473 C: 406-871-4176
Read the full August 2020 District Newsletter