The meeting was called to order by President Stan at 6:30 pm. The minutes of the February 5th regular meeting and the February 12th Board of Director meeting were read and approved as written.
Cassidy DeBruycker and Faith Shepherd of the Choteau High School speech and debate team presented their “Humorous Duo” program for the club membership. This was an outstanding presentation and they won first place at State with this duo. Only 3 other students from Choteau High have ever won first place at the state competition.
Old Business
Clayton discussed the Joel Alzheimer Award project. He suggested that we develop some criterion to base our selection of future awards. The criterion should be broad-based and should celebrate volunteerism in Choteau. All of the work that Jack and Clayton have put into this project is really appreciated.
New Business
President Stan said that the Lions Club Committee assignments have been sent out to the membership. If anyone wants to be on different committees or to be taken off of committees, members need to contact Stan or Tom.
Committee Reports
Community Calendar
Gary reported that the Acantha is in the process of printing the community birthday calendars and they will be delivered to the Lions by mid -March.
Gun Raffle
Don said that Bucks Sporting Goods is working to purchase the guns on our list for the gun raffle. The gun raffle committee cannot proceed with printing until they are sure the guns are available.
The winner of the February 2018 trip of the month to Universal Studios was Amy Ameline.
50/50 winner: Joe Haas
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas D. Rogers, Secretary