Trip of the Month Raffle Tickets are now available. New this year, MORE ways to win! Everyone who buys a ticket is eligible for a second $100 prize drawing EVERY MONTH!
2019 is the 7th season for the new Choteau pool. Since the new pool opened in 2109, completion projects and additional improvements and repairs continue to be a work in progress.
The Choteau pool is the last remaining public pool in Montana that is managed and financially supported by a civic organization. The Choteau Lions Club has a long and dedicated tradition of caring for the pool. The Club became involved in Choteau’s first swimming activities in 1928 and began managing the first community pool in 1934. Club members and volunteers work hard and donate hundreds of hours each year to provide this important service. Pools are very expensive season operations that rarely generate 50% of the income needed to cover the cost of operations and upkeep. The Choteau pool is managed very conservatively and efficiently, but it still costs about $50,000 each year to remain open. The pool generates about $20,000 income, the City of Choteau provides the water and utilities to heat the water and $5,000 towards chemical costs, and the Choteau Lions Club provides $25,000 each year.
The primary source of funding the annual pool operating expense is the Choteau Lions Trip of the Month vacation giveaway program. This project has been the lifeblood of support for pool operation and maintenance for the past 25 years. The Choteau Lions Club is committed to their volunteer management and financial support of the pool facility for the City of Choteau and it’s residents. Through its annual fundraising projects such as “Trip of the Month” vacation giveaway and the many hours of volunteer time, the Choteau Lions Club can continue to help the City of Choteau provide safe and healthy summer swim opportunities without large taxpayer expense. Many of the surrounding communities in Montana are struggling to keep their community pools open. The Choteau Lions depend on the financial support of the community to continue subsidizing pool operations expenses. The Choteau Lions Club also continues to sell Engraved Wall Tiles on the bathhouse to fund pool long term and replacement expenses.
The Choteau Lions Club members sincerely hope you enjoy the chance to win a wonderful vacation or cash prize. We also hope you can feel this is a worthwhile donation even when you don’t win. Your help in making Choteau a great place to live and visit is needed and truly appreciated.