The meeting was called to order by 2nd Vice President Nauck at 6:30 pm. The minutes of the September 25 th meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Old Business
Lion Tom thanked all of the members that help setup and take down for the Old Fiddlers State contest.
The fiddlers plan to be back in Choteau again next year.
Sherwin reported that the highway cleanup was completed and that Lee provided an excellent tail gate after the work was done. Lion Steve D. suggested that we have the Boy scouts help with the highway cleanup in the future. It was also suggested that we post slow signs on the highway during our cleanup since the traffic moves very fast through the area.
New Business
Rich moved that the Choteau Lions Club donate $250.00 to Opportunities for All to help finance the Phillip Aaburg concert. The motion was 2 nd by Al and the request was approved.
Tom presented a request for a donation from Florence Crittendon . Lion Raemaeker moved that we
donate $100.00 to Florence Crittendon. 2 nd by Lion Al and the motion passed. This leaves $380.00 in our donations budget.
Committee Reports
Sherwin reported that he has repaired the cracks on the swimming pool deck caused by the earthquake.
Dru thanked Sherwin for the enormous amount of work he does at the pool every year. The group gave Sherwin a big hand for all he does.
Other Business
Steve Dee announced that there will be a training session for Boy Scout leaders at the scout hall on Tuesday October 3 rd at 6:00. He encouraged anyone interested in working with the Boy Scouts to attend.
Steve also said that the Cub Scouts will be around selling popcorn and asked that we support their efforts.
Dru suggested that we think about reserving a meeting room at the Stage Stop Inn and getting a caterer for our Christmas Party. It was decided that we will set Monday December 11 th for our party. Rich will contact the Stage Stop Inn to be sure we have a date and then a caterer will be contacted. We will hold our regular meeting the 1 st Monday of December and that will be our only regular meeting for the month.
Tom thanked Steve Dee for all the help on improving our Lions Club e-mail.
The winner of the October 2017 gun raffle was Diane Bingham of Pendroy.
50/50 winner: Lion Perri
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas D. Rogers, Secretary