September 4, 2017
The meeting was called to order by 1 st Vice President Al at 6:40 pm. The minutes of the August 21 st meeting were read. Chuck Nauck moved to approve the minutes. Second by Rich and the motion passed.
Lion Al discussed the idea of club members building playhouses, ice houses and picnic tables. Al volunteered to look into the cost of construction of these items and will get back to the club with cost estimates at the next meeting. This is a project that could be a money maker and an opportunity for members to work together on something other than just fundraising.
Lion Russ thanked Lion Steve for getting our old Facebook page deleted and setting up a new page for the club. Russ and Steve will also work on a web site for the club.
Lion Steve announced that there will be a Boy Scout court of honor at the scout hall at 6:00 on Tuesday September 5, 2017. He encouraged us to attend and support the Scout Troop.
Secretary Tom said that the Old Fiddlers group has requested help setting up for their contest at the pavilion on Friday morning September 29 th at 9:00 and tearing down and cleanup of the pavilion on Saturday night after the contest at about 10:00pm. Several members agreed to help with this project.
Lion Dru said that we need to set a date and time to get the pool cleaned up and winterized. She also recommended that we give Matt Schwedhelm a gift certificate for all of the help he gave the pool during the last 2 years. He has filled in and helped with the pool chemicals when Kelci was gone or when his help was needed. An amount for a gift certificate will be decided by the pool committee at its next meeting.
Lion jack gave a progress report on the Joel Alzheimer awards display to be constructed in the pavilion.
Secretary Tom reported that 231 trip of the month tickets have been sold to date. Members will be asked to contact potential ticket buyers so that we can get all of them sold by the end of September.
The next Lions Club meeting will be held on September 25 th instead of September 18 th so we can have a program by the Teton County Health Department.
Lion Steve D. said that there will be a Chamber of Commerce roundtable at the Choteau Country Club at 6:00 on Wednesday September 13 th to put together a community calendar for the next year.
Steve also reported that the Chamber of Commerce and City of Choteau will hold a training program for community board members on October 3 rd and 4 th .
- The September gun raffle winner was Mitch Davison of Great Falls.
- 50/50 winner: Lion Dru
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted:
Thomas D. Rogers, Sec/Treas.