The 2022 swim season marks the 10th season for the new Choteau community pool since its completion and opening in 2013. The Choteau pool is unique. The pool is owned and partially funded by the city but it has been managed and financially supported by the Choteau Lions Club since the original pool was built in 1934. Annual fund-raising projects and hundreds of volunteer hours are needed each year. Most rural communities in Montana struggle to keep their pools open and some have even had to close. A pool is an important asset for the community providing recreational swimming, swim lessons, and a competitive swim team. However, a community swimming pool is not a profitable business. Pool revenue does not come close to covering the cost of operation, lifeguard wages, and pool maintenance. The Choteau pool could not stay open without the support of the Lions Club volunteers and continued community supported fund-raising projects.
Continue reading 29th Annual Choteau Lions Pool Vacation Giveaway Project BeginsMessage from District Governor Mike Collins

Where there is a need, there is a Lion
Dear Montana Lions,
What a privilege to be the Governor for District 37. It is very humbling following the many great district governors who have led the way before me. I want every Lion to know I do not take this position lightly, it is a lofty responsibility, and I will work hard to meet expectations.
Continue reading Message from District Governor Mike CollinsTrip of the Month Club Raffle Tickets Now Available!

Trip of the Month Raffle Tickets are now available. New this year, MORE ways to win! Everyone who buys a ticket is eligible for a second $100 prize drawing EVERY MONTH!
2019 is the 7th season for the new Choteau pool. Since the new pool opened in 2109, completion projects and additional improvements and repairs continue to be a work in progress.
Continue reading Trip of the Month Club Raffle Tickets Now Available!A New Way to Serve: Lions Advocacy
Advocacy is another way for the Choteau Lions Club to serve the causes we care about. When we advocate, we use our voice to educate and influence more people to get on board with a movement. Read more on the Lions Club International website:
11th Annual Golf Tournament

Join the Choteau Lions Club for our 11th Annual Golf Tournament!
Continue reading 11th Annual Golf TournamentSupporting Our Tennis Courts

This October, the Choteau Lions Club voted to put forth the effort to re-surface our tennis courts, located across the street from the Choteau Lions Club Swim Pool.
The cost of resurfacing will be $60,000. $30,000 will be donated by local businesses. As a Club, we have committed $10,000 to the cause. To make the resurfacing happen, we need to fundraise an additional $20,000. Continue reading Supporting Our Tennis Courts
Agenda for Meeting September 3, 2018
Minutes of August 20 2018 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by First Vice President Chuck at 6:30 PM. Chuck welcomed our guest Jack Preston from a Lions Club in Ohio and in Choteau visiting family. The minutes of the August 6th regular meeting and the minutes of the August 13th Board meeting were read and approved as written.
Continue reading Minutes of August 20 2018 Meeting2018 Trip of the Month Vacation Giveaway

2018 is the 6th season for the new Choteau Lions Swim Pool. Since the new pool opened in 2013, completion projects and additional improvements have been a work in progress. The Choteau Lions Swim Team families and the Lions hosted a swim meet in June 2017 at the Choteau Lions Swim Pool for the first time in many years. In July 2018, Choteau hosted the Divisional Swim Meet. The Choteau Lions Club continues to sell engraved bathhouse wall tiles to fund the pool’s long-term repair and replacement expenses. The main source of funding for the pool’s annual operating costs is the Choteau Lions Trip-of-the-Month vacation giveaway program. This project has been the lifeblood of support for pool operation and maintenance for the past 24 years.
Continue reading 2018 Trip of the Month Vacation GiveawayAgenda for Meeting March 5, 2018

John Henry’s at 6:30 pm
- Call the meeting to Order
- Introduction of guests
- Minutes of the February 19th Meeting
- Grace
- Choteau High School Principal Wendy Hammond
Old Business
- Nominating Committee Report
- Joel Alzeheimer Award criterion
New Business
- Port Authority/MEDA request – Steve Dogiakos
- Be My Eyes app information – Steve Dogiakos
Committee Reports
- Calendar Committee report
- Gun Raffle Committee report
- 50/50