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Minutes of February 19, 2018 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President Stan at 6:30 pm. The minutes of the February 5th regular meeting and the February 12th Board of Director meeting were read and approved as written.


Cassidy DeBruycker and Faith Shepherd of the Choteau High School speech and debate team presented their “Humorous Duo” program for the club membership. This was an outstanding presentation and they won first place at State with this duo. Only 3 other students from Choteau High have ever won first place at the state competition.

Old Business

Clayton discussed the Joel Alzheimer Award project. He suggested that we develop some criterion to base our selection of future awards. The criterion should be broad-based and should celebrate volunteerism in Choteau. All of the work that Jack and Clayton have put into this project is really appreciated.

New Business

President Stan said that the Lions Club Committee assignments have been sent out to the membership. If anyone wants to be on different committees or to be taken off of committees, members need to contact Stan or Tom.

Committee Reports

Community Calendar

Gary reported that the Acantha is in the process of printing the community birthday calendars and they will be delivered to the Lions by mid -March.

Gun Raffle

Don said that Bucks Sporting Goods is working to purchase the guns on our list for the gun raffle. The gun raffle committee cannot proceed with printing until they are sure the guns are available.


The winner of the February 2018 trip of the month to Universal Studios was Amy Ameline.

50/50 winner: Joe Haas

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Thomas D. Rogers, Secretary

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Minutes of August 21, 2017 Meeting

August 21, 2017
The meeting was called to order by 2 nd Vice President Bob Nauck at 6:30 pm. The minutes of the August 7 th regular meeting and the August 14 th Board of Director meeting were read and approved as written.
Vice President Bob introduced Lion Mike Sullivan, of the Cut Bank Lions Club and Sandra Dogiakos who were both present for Steve Dogiakos induction into the Choteau Lions Club.


Lion Jack reported on his research of the renovation of the tennis courts. The Fairfield Lions club is resurfacing the tennis courts in Fairfield and based on their costs it is estimated that it would cost us approximately $51,000.00 to renovate our courts. We have $10,000.00 set aside from our gun raffle project and will continue to set funds aside from future projects for the tennis courts or other uses such as basketball courts.


Lion Sherwin did a great job of inducting John and Vee Diebel and Steve Dogiakos as new members.
Lion Jack and Lion Mike Sullivan of the Cut Bank Lions Club were co-sponsors for Steve and Lion Perri filled in for Lion Louie as the sponsor for John and Vee. They each gave informative and humorous history of each of the new members.
The club discussed a fund raising idea that Lion Al had presented to the Board of Directors. It was suggested that club could be split up into teams like we did for the gun raffle project and build 6 or 7 children’s playhouses or ice fishing houses to raffle or auction off. It was also suggested that we could do the same thing and build picnic tables. No action was taken at this time on these ideas.


Lion Dru gave a very detailed report on the 2017 swimming season. August 24 th will be the last day the swimming pool will be open. There will be dog swimming from 6:30 to 8:00 on that evening. Dru thanked everyone that helped at the pool this summer as well as the Choteau Acantha for all of their help will preparing advertising. Dru also reported that Choteau will host the 2018 divisional swim meet during the last week of July. This could include up to 400 swimmers. She also reported that the baseball tournaments this summer brought in a huge number of swimmers using the pool.
Lion Tom said that approximately 200 trip of the month tickets have been sold to date. This leaves 100 tickets to be sold by the end of September so members may be asked to contact customers to get these tickets sold.


Lion Steve announced that the Boy Scout Troop 51 will hold a Court of Honor at the scout hall on September 5 th at 6:30. He encouraged all Lions to attend since we are the Troop 51 sponsor.
Steve also reported that he has the new Choteau Lions Club Facebook page up and running. Thanks Steve!
The club has decided to change our second September meeting from September 18 th to September 25 th. This is done so that we can have a program by the Teton County Health Department. Lion Bob Nauck said our next meeting will be on Labor Day, September 4 th .


Winners of the August Trip of the Month vacation to San Diego were Bill and Brook Durocher.
50/50 winner: Lion Jack
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas D. Rogers, Sec/Treas.